
Huayruro Seeds 2008 © creatingoursanctuary.blogspot.com

The POWER of sanctuary nurtures, protects, and draws out our essential selves-- who we are and who we love to be-- whether at home, on our way, at work or with the people we love. Sanctuary is an oasis. Creating Our Sanctuary is an artistic endeavor to explore and express sanctuary, both creatively and collaboratively. Creating Our Sanctuary is a long-term project that uses various artistic media and public events to create moments, places, and experiences of human and soulful nourishment.

This blog is intended to share the current endeavors of the projects related to Creating Our Sanctuary. To the left, please find links to following sections (you may also click on the links in orange below, choose your own adventure!) Currently, this project is in the background research phase. Please visit:

  • Welcome!: homepage of Creating Our Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary: written descriptions of sanctuary
  • OurProjects: Creating Our Sanctuary projects
  • featured work(s):: spend time with one particular body of work
  • reSearch: further explore the connections/interests fueling this project's passion
  • Gallery: for links to images, videos, audio/podcasts and articles directly related to the artistic inspiration flowing through this project


© 2009-2010